Join Us!

Why should you become an ECA member?

* Your voice and your vote count! Members can vote in our yearly board elections and on important community decisions.

* Stay informed. We work directly with the City and our Police Department to bring you the most current and up to date information affecting our neighborhood.

* Help maintain the beauty of our streets and entryways.

* Keep our clubhouse running. Edgewood is the ONLY Civic Association in the City that has its own Clubhouse.  The clubhouse hosts our monthly meetings, neighborhood events, and can be rented by the community for special events. 

* Support and participate in neighborhood events throughout the year.  Easter Eggs Hunts, Trunk-or-Treat, Bingo, Potlucks, Block Parties, and more!

* Enable our membership in The Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

Membership Levels

Click "Choose" to sign up or quick pay at PayPal


Good for one Calendar Year


For our Neighbors 55 and over.
Eligible to participate in ECA elections. 


Good for one Calendar Year


One membership per household. 
Eligible to participate in ECA elections. 


Good for one Calendar Year


Recognition - website/newsletter. 
Eligible to participate in ECA elections. 


Good for one Calendar Year


Recognition on website. 
Link to business page. 
Link to Social Media

VIP Advertiser

Good for one Calendar Year


Special recognition on website.
Newsletter and Social Media.

Link to social media/business page.
Learn More!

Saving Money

Prefer to send us a check?

Fill out the membership form and send your check to:

Edgewood Civic Association, Inc
PO Box 21413 
Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33335

Membership Form

Thank You Foundation Members!

Peter Achilarre | Rose Achilarre | Dorie Cox  |  Lauren Gaudillat   | 
Wendy Miller |  Debbie and Tim Nast  | Randy Rich | Ronald Solomon & Family |
Wendy & Chris Wills

  • Monday - Sunday


Sign up for monthly meeting reminders and occasional neighborhood news updates.  


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